Jameson Cole | Julia Glenn | Brad Quatman | Torayye Waite
Mobility to Stay
Moving Up, Not Out
Traditionally, being ‘socially mobile’ meant having the resources and opportunities to move UP and OUT of current circumstances – which reinforced segregation of social wealth and left behind abandoned communities. Instead, Mobility to Stay envisions how individuals and collective communities can become socially mobile and feel happy, healthy, and empowered with the choice to remain building their life in and contributing to the community they call home. Moving Up, but Not Out.
Uptown is home to many anchor institutions that not only have significant resources and influence, but have also been around in these communities for several decades. These institutions have had the chance to ‘put down their roots and grow’ in Uptown. Now, it is time for the institutions to help their neighbors grow too. We envision a future where the capital and capacity of anchor institutions is leveraged, both from a top-down and bottom-up approach, to more meaningfully commit to and invest in their own neighbors in a way that is sustainable, equitable, and mutually beneficial.