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MCP Thesis
Analyzing Barriers to Integrating Bike Share with Green Transportation Modes and Trails System in Greater Cincinnati, Ohio
This paper focuses on a survey that was conducted in the eight counties of the Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana (OKI) region (Greater Cincinnati) to examine individual-level perceptions of integrating bike share (Red Bike) and public transit (Go Metro) with a focus on barriers to using multiuse paths. The survey addressed three major research questions: 1) What are people’s barriers to using (or using more frequently) multiuse paths to solve the FLM issue? 2) To what extent does the built environment around people’s residential location affect their integration level? 3) Which improvements would mostly likely influence people to integrate green modes (e.g., cycling, walking, and riding transit) more often?
Will Rogers
Dr. Na Chen | Committee Chair
Dr. Johanna Looye | Committee Member
Maps are an essential tool for Planners to be able to decipher through complex data and identify the underlying problems and trends in a community. Maps help them take a complicated issue and convey it in a clear, logical, and relatable way.
Through the interactive platform ArcGIS Story Map, users are immersed in this process through this project. Users are walked through a series of maps, where they are given the ability to explore the maps and reflect on what the data means to them.
Link to ArcGIS Story Map

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