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MCP Thesis

A Proposed Methodology for Evaluating 20th Century Local Planning Policy Influence on 21st Century Urban Heat Vulnerability
Dr. Leah Hollstein | Committee Chair
Dr. Na Chen | Committee Member
This paper tests a spatial analysis method of evaluating city plans and policies between 1907 and 1980 using digitized comprehensive and neighborhood plans to understand the impact they each have had on modern neighborhood heat vulnerability. This research theorizes that by comparing the growth and development of Cincinnati neighborhoods throughout the 20th century, it will be possible to identify specific urban planning policies that not only targeted low-income and non-white residents throughout the past century but also have continued to contribute to modern heat vulnerability negatively and disproportionately. This theory will be tested by investigating four areas in Cincinnati: two currently facing high heat vulnerability rates and two with low rates of heat vulnerability.
Maps are an essential tool for Planners to be able to decipher through complex data and identify the underlying problems and trends in a community. Maps help them take a complicated issue and convey it in a clear, logical, and relatable way.
Through the interactive platform ArcGIS Story Map, users are immersed in this process through this project. Users are walked through a series of maps, where they are given the ability to explore the maps and reflect on what the data means to them.
Link to ArcGIS Story Map

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