urban futures
Welcome to the School of Planning DAAPWorks website. We are proud to present the graduating work for the 2021 cohort, which positively impact our urban futures. Our various undergraduate and graduate programs - from Bachelors to PhD - are all dedicated to experience-based learning, research, and service to communities. Impacting Urban Futures to us means providing an inclusive environment where innovation and freedom of intellectual inquiry flourish for livable and sustainable futures. We invite you to see the graduating work for each of our programs.
MCP Capstone
This capstone course is designed as a graduation pathway for MCP students at the University of Cincinnati. It applies the knowledge that twenty-six students have acquired during their two years in the program to a real-world urban challenge: the state of a city’s socio-economic evolution and its dynamic built environment. This project is the centerpiece of the course and requires each student to deal with an urban issue of his or her choosing within the context of the oldest American city and the second oldest city in the Western Hemisphere - San Juan, Puerto Rico. Urban issues explored include poverty and poverty alleviation, air and water pollution, transportation infrastructure, water management, environmental infrastructure, disaster preparation and relief, and urban design among others.
MCP Thesis
This thesis is designed as a graduation pathway for MCP students at the University of Cincinnati. It applies the knowledge that students have acquired during their two years in the program to a research project on a planning issue of his or her choosing. Each student’s work, then, culminated in a high quality written product under the supervision of a faculty advisor and committee.
This studio is undertaking a real challenge in Hamilton County urged by a group of professionals and local leaders asking help developing ideas that can energize a community and industry to make change – positive change to the image and identity of a vital cultural and economic driver for the city and region - the Hamilton County Fairgrounds. These student projects address urban design challenges in Cincinnati and the greater Hamilton County community with a focus on bringing new identity to a community asset, the county fairgrounds.
BSUS/BUP Capstone
This capstone is uniquely relatable to a planning practicum with collaborative foundations. The aligned disciplines in planning, urban design, and urban studies join together to provide a more comprehensive approach to planning, design exploration and policy making. This project considers the future of mobility - both physical and socio-economic - and the future of placemaking and [re]visions Mobility in Uptown Cincinnati with 'mobility by choice' for people, equitable access to resources/goods and services and environmental stewardship.
The 2021 Senior Horticulture Capstone Project focused on Potters Field cemetery located at 4592 Guerley Road in Cincinnati’s West Price Hill community. The cemetery is publicly owned currently there is no budget for maintenance of the grounds. Students conducted research and created three horticultural scenarios that would guide the transition to a safe, clean, dignified public cemetery that serves as a vibrant public greenspace.