Impacting Urban Futures

DAAPworks | School of Planning
Impacting Urban Futures
Sustainable Dog Park
@ Fairview Park
Spring 2023 | Horticulture Capstone Project
Instructor | Prof. David Gamstetter
The University of Cincinnati’s Senior Capstone in Horticulture students partnered with the Clifton Heights, University Heights, Fairview (CUF) Residents Association to develop a vision for an ecologically sustainable dog park in Fairview Park. The site that was selected for study was identified in a Cincinnati Park Board report that ranked it a suitable location. The project goal was to use native plants, manage pollutant runoff with plant based green infrastructure, and to develop management strategies to ensure long term success. Students met with CUF to develop project goals, researched successful dog parks, visited dog parks, and interviewed dog owners to gain important insight.
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