Impacting Urban Futures

DAAPworks | School of Planning
Impacting Urban Futures

Image by Andrew Bach
Hybrid futURbanism on the Ohio River
Spring 2023 | BUP and BSUS Senior Capstone Project
Instructors | Prof. Leah Hollstein & Prof. Hyesun Jeong
The Ohio River and its watershed constantly face various challenges from climate change, air, and water pollution, and broader concerns related to spatial and social inequality of communities. In this capstone, the Bachelor of Urban Planning and Bachelor of Science in Urban Studies students have responded to these concerns by envisioning sustainable, inclusive, and innovative ways of navigating the urban future. The two capstones, with different approaches related to their individual aims and missions, investigated future scenarios for the development of the bridge corridor along the Ohio River, answering the question — In what ways can we address environmental, economic, and social challenges to strengthen the watershed’s region and its value to citizens living in this region? This capstone interrogates urban scenarios that 1) create typologies of affordable housing, transportation, and public infrastructure, 2) promote a resilient local economy and tourism, 3) investigate responsible re-use, re-development, and alterations of land use patterns, and 4) build an ecological (focusing on water, food, and energy) and social connection in surrounding communities of a new bridge to be built across the Ohio River.