Our Communities, Our Future: Resiliency in Uptown
Spring 2022 | BUP and BSUS Senior Capstone Project
Instructors | Prof. Leah Hollstein & Prof. Greg Dale, FAICP
In this capstone, Bachelor of Urban Planning and Bachelor of Science in Urban Studies students have explored how the interaction of emerging issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and technology are impacting the physical design and social equity of communities. They have looked at ways in which the roles and responsibilities of planners and associated related professionals are evolving in addressing these issues, including the ethical implications for the planning community and others interested in urban futures. The Uptown geographic area of the Cincinnati 2030 District has been used as a platform and geographic focus, extending its emphasis on buildings to neighborhoods and community. The class has been organized around a framework of sustainability and resilience, with students choosing individual topics of study and analysis.