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Rubbertown Corridor

MLA Projects

Landscape architecture encompasses scalar study taking an idea from the macro to the micro and vice-versa, and this capstone requires this range in scalar exploration and study of the landscape that references materiality, functionality, experientiality, and compatibility.  Detail drawings are required to develop in-depth understanding of relationships with the use of abstraction helping generate creative and unique perspective needed throughout ideation.

Our Projects

Sheenam Arora

Rubbertown is a neighborhood of Louisville, Kentucky, located along the Ohio River.  During World War II, it became the home of many industrial plants that remained after the war and led to its name.  Re-imaging Rubbertown as a place of interest and activity by Re-energizing the streets using Low-impact developments and installation of public art is the focus of this project.  There is a need for beautification of this town and engagement of the eye towards more soothing yet informative views.  These will also help in the development of the community without distrurbing the language and character that has developed in this area over the years

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Meghan Cleary

Located in Louisville Kentucky, Rubbertown is an industrial site that runs along the Ohio River and is home to about 24K residents and about 10K workers. While the history and aesthetic are what keeps people coming back to the area, the negative environmental and health effects are the cause of what is driving people away.

In order to help the neighborhood grow and flourish like it is meant to, green infrastructure is being proposed in an effort to improve the quality of life.  This can be achieved by establishing green gateways along the main corridors.  Some examples of green infrastructure on this site include but are not limited to:  pollinator gardens, permeable pathways native vegetation, public art, and educational opportunities.

Zoe Kusiner

Rubbertown, an industrial powerhouse along the Ohio River, is a significant piece of greater Louisville's urban fabric.  Its once renowned identity has become fragmented along with its landscape over the years.  Residents and industries deserve an economically robust, ecologically rich, and socially equitable community to call home.  The Rubbertown Way project will serve as a catalyst for change and excitement for a more sustainable future.  That's the Rubbertown Way.


Kyle McGurn

Riverside Gardens gateway is a design which aims to create a pedestrian space at the intersection of a residential neighborhood on the edge of an industrial corridor known as Rubbertown in Louisville, Kentucky.  As a gateway, the space aims to create accessible entry with new identity.  This gateway aims to reconnect visitors to the forested landscape within its borders.
The use of material tries to bridge the gap between a garden and an industrial area through thoughtful use of materials to develop a durable and beautiful landscape which acts as a doorway to a residential neighborhood.

Andoni Rodriguez Eraso

Rubertown represents the reimagination and proposal of a new identity for the eponymous industrial corridor in Louisville, KY.  Through the management of the landscape, Rubbertown aims to become a new model of industrial development.  Based on the research of interstitial and contained spaces, the intent is to create connections between industry, city and nature.  while addressing a set of diverse landscapes and ecological needs, this project strives to bring a sense of unity along the entire industrial corridor by opening gateways that connect to the broader city.


University of Cincinnati

School of Planning


5470 Aronoff
University of Cincinnati
PO Box 210016
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0016

P 513-556-4943
F 513-556-1274


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