Jacob Augsbach

Population 591,000-2020: 1995- 481,000: 2025 projection 609,135 UN World Urbanization Prospects.
Climate- moderately continental, Cold winters, both cold and warm air masses, May-August Thunderstorms appear in the Afternoon, precipitation 21 inches per year
Tree Canopy Metro (11,867 acres) of forests,
Lowland area

Post-World War II, Leipzig, Germany became part of East Germany and an industrial city for the Soviet Union. Meaning Factories and Railroad yards were spread over the city. In 1990 after the fall of the Soviet Union, Leipzig was Unified with Germany. However, with the fall of the Soviet Union came the fall of Leipzig, industrial business. Leading to large brown fields, (Large empty dead areas polluted with oil and other carcinogens from old industry plants being demolished) were created. Over the next 10 or so years, the City was a mess, building were becoming dilapidated, the population dropped dramatically, from its unification into Germany in 1990- 520,484 to the lowest point on record for the city at 481,000 in 1995. (it was dropping before 1990 at a steep slope) (World Population Review, UN World Urbanization Prospects.)
Early 2000s to combat the slipping of population and a plan to rid of the Brownfields, the city decided to turn this ugly abandon lots into parks and green spaces, same with demolishing abandoned lots and buildings to create parks, withing the city. Over the years the city has become one of the Greenest cities in Germany resulting in the population to rapidly increase to its current population of 591,000 and is projected to be 609,135 by 2025. This has returned the City of Leipzig back to its rich past before WWII. However, now with an increase of population has put emence pressure on the current parks and green spaces being overused and destroyed, and the pressure of what is left of the current Brown fields and military fields be used for housing instead of landscaping.

These are not Before an after pictures . These are examples . There are no Before and after Pictures of Leipzig
Shows how some green and clean can improve a sight

Beautiful green spaces, and trees within the city proves that it makes the city a much happier and better place to live. This shows by Leipzigs population. the lowest point was when the city was left to rot 5 or 6 years post unification ( post soviet union). Once the city built the first park in 2000, the population has increased and now businesses and the younger generation are moving in, making it the fastest growing and richest city in Germany
1990- Unification with Germany
Population 520 484
1995- Population hits all time low 481,953
City was a mess . Pollution, Brown fields from abandoned industry.
Early 2000s. The begins creating parks from the Brownfield and abandon lots
Population increases to 491,367
2020- Population is 591.052
Fastest growing city in Germany
Industries have moved in , returning the city to the richest city in Germany before WW2
2035 Projected population 621,900 , What the problem is for the future of the city
https://oppla.eu/casestudy/19312 Leipzig
https://oppla.eu/casestudy/18452 How to secure urban green in a growing city? The case of City Lab Leipzig, Germany Dr. Ellen Banzhaf and Prof. Dr. Dieter Rink
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2212041617302127 Mapping ecosystem services on brownfields in Leipzig, Germany Catherina Puefell , Dagmar Hasse, Joerg, A Priess , April 2018, Ecosystem Services pages 73-85