Enhancing Community through Inclusionary Housing
Kayla Kellar | Clare Colvin | Samantha Hoffman
About the Project
Our overall vision for Over-the-Rhine is that it will become a more equitable community through shifts in policy towards inclusionary zoning and social programming. Development will become more inclusive through quality affordable housing and providing access to basic human rights such as health, education, employment, and recreation. Over-the-Rhine will thrive as an economically and socially diverse community, and will be both a destination for outside visitors and a home for residents building a strong sense of community.
Based on information collected from stakeholders, Census data, and geospatial data, we developed a vision for Over-the-Rhine. Upon visiting the neighborhood, we were able to ground-truth our data and enhance our ideas for future development. We saw many areas of opportunity to implement a plan that would meet the needs of the community.