Halle Germany
By: Yvonne Dishon
In accordance with European Union Mandates, Ecosystems contribute to human well-being in many ways (MEA 2005). The European Union has therefore obliged its member states to record and assess the state of ecosystems and their services in national reports. In 2013,an EU initiative on Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES) has launched, and a dedicated workinggroup was established with member states, scientific experts and relevant stakeholders. ES maps are mandatory instruments for landscape planning, environmental resource management and land use optimization (Burkhard and Maes 2017).
This presentation highlights how Halle has assessed these ecosystems and associated services with emphasizes on some of the plans and directives Halle has in place to implement improvements and corrective actions.
Fun Facts about Halle
Halle the largest city in Saxony-Anhalt by population 240,931. This population is older and determined to be in decline until increase in 2010 due to immigration gains.
Area of the city: 52m|135km2
Climate: Warm, temperate with significant rainfall. Average annual temperature is 9.1 0C|48.3 0F Hardiness Zone: 8a
Annual rainfall: 483mm|19.0 inch
Topography: The deepest point of the city area is at 233 ft|71 m above sea level. The highest elevation at 446 ft|136 m above sea level. The height of the city center (market place) can be specified as 285 ft|87 m above sea level.
Land Use: Agriculture 21.29%, 9.3% Industrial and commercial.
Green Coverage: Median coverage 7, Median distance 6, Median Per Capita 15

Overview of current directives, studies, and conditions

Putting Ideas into Practice
Halle is the largest city in Saxony-Anhalt by population. It lies on the banks of the Saale and has good transport links. It is 1,200 years old. Halle is a green city to live in and with over 17,297 acres of water and green space it is also a leisure and sports paradise. You can play sports in more than 170 clubs. Halle is also an important business, technology and science location. Together with Leipzig, 24 miles away, Halle forms the center of the urban economic metropolitan area of central Germany. Nationwide are known from the Saale city z. B. Halloren Schokoladenfabrik GmbH, Kathi Rainer Thiele GmbH and the KSB Group. Numerous scientific institutions are also represented here, such as those of the Max Planck Society or the Fraunhofer Institute. The Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle attract many thousands of students to Halle every year.
For the city of Halle, which has set itself the goal of further strengthening its green image and expanding green spaces, application of the ES (Ecosystem Services) concept and the present approach is also suitable for locating deficits in the provision of ES. Although the proportion of green spaces and recreational areas in the city is high, there are quarters and districts with ES deficits. In particular, the inner city of Halle has a low capacity for regulatory ES, such as a high sealing degree with a low degree of canopy cover, and almost no capacity for providing food, nature experiences and leisure activities. Equal provision of green spaces and recreational facilities throughout the city should be the goal of environmentally sound urban planning to ensure quality of life, health and good social relations throughout the city.

Current and Future Directives
Initiatives to accomplish goals identified and ISEK 2025.
The integrated urban development concept "ISEK Hall 2025" is a citywide, integrated planning. It sets the "cornerstone" for sustainable urban development up to 2025 and partly beyond. In its complexity, it faces the current strategically and conceptually important challenges.
As an urban development concept, ISEK defines strategic guidelines and thus serves as the basis for individual specialist planning as well as medium-term financial planning and funding-oriented concepts.
The overall concept was approved by the City Council of the City of Halle (Saale) on October 25, 2017.
Identified Frameworks:
>Territorial focus floodplains: improve flood protection by increasing the > improve flood protection by increasing the Retention areas (create ponds, new construction and renovation of dikes, storm water retention), reduction of flood-hazard potential of dismantling no longer required allotments and sports areas in flood plains,
> Water Framework Directive to achieve good implementation of ecological and chemical status of waters,
> Riparian species not at the expense and/or promote native shrubs → Project: site-local Auengehölze to mitigate flooding with proper reforestation.
Bibliography and Sources:
EU Mandate: (PDF) Germany’s Ecosystem Services – State of the Indicator Development for a Nationwide Assessment and Monitoring. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318252191_Germany's_Ecosystem_Services_-_State_of_the_Indicator_Development_for_a_Nationwide_Assessment_and_Monitoring
General Information : https://www.halle.de/de/Startseite/
Climate information: https://en.climate-data.org/europe/germany/saxony-anhalt/halle-saale-6343/ (3.1, Pg12)
Land Use: https://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol17/iss3/art22/ Fig3
Green Coverage: SFB 649 Discussion Paper 2016-022, Towards a national indicator for urban green space provision and environmental inequalities in Germany: Method and findings by Henry Wüstemann* Dennis Kalisch* Jens Kolbe Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, http://sfb649.wiwi.hu-berlin.de ISSN 1860-5664
Goals: A Differentiated Spatial Assessment of Urban Ecosystem Services Based on Land Use Data in Halle, Germany By Janis Arnold, Janina Kleemann, and Christine Furst. 30-Aug-2018 - Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Green Surge, Case_Studay_Portrait_Halle by Rieke Hansen; Artur Santos 05-Feb-2015
Leipzig-Halle: Ecosystem Services in a Stagnating Urban Region in Eastern Germany by Annette Bauer, Dietmar Rohl Hasse, Nina Schwarz 25-Aug-2012 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-30529-0_9
Synergies, Trade-offs, and Losses of Ecosystem Services in Urban Regions: an Integrated Multiscale Framework Applied to the Leipzig-Halle Region, Germany by Haase, D., N. Schwarz, M. Strohbach, F. Kroll, and R. Seppelt. 2012 E&S Home Vol 17, No3, Art. 22 https://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol17/iss3/art22/
Exploring the effects of drastic institutional and socio-economic changes on land system dynamics in Germany between 1883 and 2007 by Maria Niedertscheider,a,⁎ Tobias Kuemmerle,b Daniel Müller,b,c and Karl-Heinz Erba 28-Sept-2014 Global Environmental
Fig 1. Panorama Visionsseite http://www.halle.de/de/Verwaltung/Stadtentwicklung/ISEK-Halle-2025/Integriertes-Stadten-07744/
Fig 2. Halle Flag/log http://www.rebubble.com
Fig 3. Halle Sunset https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49047078387_76a296226b.jpg
Fig 4. Cover of the ISEK2025 publication- http://www.halle.de/de/Verwaltung/Stadtentwicklung/ISEK-Halle-2025/Veroeffentlichungen-07747/
Fig 1. Figure 3 Synergies_Trade-Offs_and_Losses_of_Ecosystem_Services_in_Urban_Regions_An_Integrated_Multiscale_Framework_Applied_to_the_Leipzig-Halle_Region_Germany
Fig 2. Page 25 Integriertes_Entwicklungskonzept_Altstadt_NEU_Greenbelt.de.en.pdf
Fig 3. Halle's Geoportal Environmental Atlas http://umweltatlas.halle.de/mapserver5/mapserv.exe?zoomsize=2&imgxy=400+300&imgext=4487246.173623+5696972.826377+4506240.535894+5713249.826378&map=E:/WWW_ROOT/ITC/GISPlusWebs/Umweltatlas.halle.de/MAPSERVER/ua.map&savequery=true&program=/mapserver5/mapserv.exe&zoomdir=0&mode=browse&layer=stadtplan_grau&img.x=400&img.y=300&KARTE_STATUS=pan
Fig 4. Pg 18, fig 7 Food Capacity Map A Differentiated Spatial Assessment of Urban Ecosystem Services Based on Land Use Data in Halle, Germany
Fig 5. Pg 16 fig 5 capacity Maps for regulatory ecosystem services. A Differentiated Spatial Assessment of Urban Ecosystem Services Based on Land Use Data in Halle, Germany
Fig 6. Halle's Geoportal Environmental Atlas - http://umweltatlas.halle.de/mapserver5/mapserv.exe?zoomsize=2&imgxy=400+300&imgext=4487246.173623+5696972.826377+4506240.535894+5713249.826378&map=E:/WWW_ROOT/ITC/GISPlusWebs/Umweltatlas.halle.de/MAPSERVER/ua.map&savequery=true&program=/mapserver5/mapserv.exe&zoomdir=0&mode=browse&layer=stadtplan_grau&img.x=400&img.y=300&KARTE_STATUS=pan
Fig 7. Figure 3 Page 6 . Case_Studay_Portrait_Halle major challenges and achievements
Fig 8, 9, 10, 11 Page 6 A Differentiated Spatial Assessment of Urban Ecosystem Services Based on Land Use Data in Halle, Germany
Fig 12. Green Roof - 4 MEASURES TO CONSIDER WHEN DESIGNING FIRE-SAFE GREEN ROOFS Posted by Maja Tomazin on Dec 23, 2016 2:22:24 PM https://blog.urbanscape-architecture.com/4-measures-to-consider-when-designing-fire-safe-green-roofs