Food Access in Price Hill
Like many other Cincinnati neighborhoods, Price Hill residents can struggle to access fresh food options, especially if they do not have access to a car. How do we improve food access in Price Hill?
This website takes you through the process of how to improve food access in Price Hill, while also improving the opportunity for Price Hill residents to get involved in making food. Our team has created a guide, which studies existing community assets, how to provide opportunities to those that live in the neighborhood, how to navigate the funding process, and how to support the health of the land-base while enhancing the quality of life for those in the neighborhood.
The Guide follows our core principles of food access, a research methodology to select a good site for improving food access, and a development proposal for a combination of a restaurant and growing site in East Price Hill. This proposal and methodology development processes are transparent and flexible, so the community can change it to suit their needs over time.
Video Presentation

The Food Access Methods Guide is a document explaining the basic principles of food access. It also demonstrates the process and method we developed for navigating the geographic, financial, institutional, and social landscapes that surround bringing a project to fruition. This framework and line of thought can be applied to topics outside of food.

Through conducting a geographic, social, and organizational analysis of existing conditions in Price Hill, we were able to identify community assets and many existing structures that are working to create solutions for issues of food access, but through doing so, we were also able to identify where more progress was needed. Through this process, we identified 3814 Warsaw Avenue as the location for our site.

This section of the site provides a deliverable demonstration for how we utilized our guiding methodology and applied it to a specific site (3814 Warsaw Avenue).

Food Access Should Be...
Food must be affordable to everyone, as a basic human right. It also creates jobs and supports businesses.
Food sources must be easily accessible to all, especially those with limited mobility. They also can help build community.

Eating locally is environmentally friendly. It also helps support local farmers and is beneficial for land health.
Price Hill: Demographic Analysis
Every neighborhood is unique and comes with its own set of obstacles. Knowing who lives in Price Hill, and what their needs are, can help us work together to create a solution that benefits many people. Below are a series of maps visualizing demographics of food stamp recipients, carless households, poverty and race distribution throughout Price Hill. This helps us prioritize where work is most needed, which then informs our site selection.
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Price Hill:
Analysis of Current Institutional and Financial Landscape
Having local connections can help make the development process a little easier through sharing resources such as knowledge, financing, and volunteer forces. These organizations are currently actively doing a lot of beneficial work in the Price Hill Neighborhood and are viable potential sources for assistance.

Final Site Selection
Mapping and knowing what kind of resources you have available can help pick a site that is appropriate for the intended purpose. Demographics are a good starting point, but navigating available properties takes time.
3814 Warsaw was selected for the following reasons:
Central to East Price Hill
Along A Major Road
Near Other Neighborhood Assets
Owned By Community Driven Organization
Manageable Size
Space For Gardening

Before / After Proposal: Impact Analysis
This map represents the distribution of food assets in relation to low access areas in Price Hill. Low access areas are determined by high numbers of no-vehicle + low income households out of a 1/2 mile walking distance from a healthy and abundant source of food. By sliding the bar, the half-mile radius around our development is revealed. Households in this zone would have their food access increased, so long as the principles of affordability, health and accessibility are maintained in practice

3. Proposal
The final product of our research and step-by-step implementation of the Guide named Terra Community Eatery. This site features healthy fast-casual meals, fresh grocery takeaway, a green space patio/garden, and most importantly, space for the community to thrive. Elements of this development correspond to our principles of food access, and the justification is explained in detail in the full Guide.

Food Access Group Members

Mel Musie
Master of Community Planning
Passionate about equitable sustainability, Mel currently holds a B.S. in Environmental Studies and minor in Sociology from the University of Cincinnati. For the past year, she has worked as a water quality assistant at OKI Regional Council of Governments and participated in community mapping projects. She hopes to continue to further her interests in environmental planning, GIS, and green urban design.

Amanda Bastos Dias
Master of Community Planning
Amanda has worked extensively in the public sector, from library sciences and secondary education to parks administration and county zoning. She holds a B.S in City & Regional Planning with a minor in Political Science from The Ohio State University. Passionate about urban design, mobility, and equity, she aims to explore these interests further after completing the DAAP MCP program at the University of Cincinnati.

Daniel Hart
Master of Community Planning
Originally from Richmond, VA, Daniel's worked at the University of Colorado Environmental Center, Environmental Stewardship Concepts, and spent a summer at Dancing Rabbit EcoVillage. Currently, Daniel works as the Sustainability Coordinator for UC, serves on the Environmental Advisory Council for the City, and is on the Board of Directors of the Cincinnati Permaculture Institute. He will graduate with his MCP in the summer of 2020.