Arts Led
Neighborhood Revitalization
The arts can be enriching catalysts for neighborhood business district revitalization across the United States. Diverse art forms relate to economic development, which can promote the quality of life in the neighborhoods of Price Hill. This project explores East Price Hill's "Creative Campus" and proposes various strategies to develop a vibrant space for residents, businesses, and visitors alike.
The project addresses how the arts and artists can contribute to positive change and growth in the neighborhoods of Price Hill. This website will show how the Creative Campus in East Price Hill can revitalize business and improve streets, through storefront ideas, tactical urbanism and a resource handbook.
Five Principles
Research shows what the arts can do for your neighborhood: express a place's local identity and history, combine with educational programs, build relationships in the community, improve the economy, and give resources back to residents.

Survey Responses
We conducted a survey with locals in Price Hill and asked two main questions: 1) Our first strategy is to locate arts-related businesses in the storefronts of the Warsaw Avenue district near the library. What would be your top three choices for the kinds of arts-related business? 2) Our second strategy is to generate interest and activity through short-term, “tactical” events and projects in this arts district. What would be your top three of these events or projects?
See the responses to these questions below.

Study Area
The East Price Hill Creative Campus comprises eight properties along Warsaw and Considine Avenues that are owned by the non-profit Price Hill Will. This district has a historical designation. Below are three ideas to fill these properties and enliven Warsaw Avenue; with live-work studios, pop-up stores and murals and tactical projects.

Live-work studio

A creative sidewalk
A successful sidewalk can attract arts business partners and create unique public spaces that are open to anyone in the community! The following image shows different ideas to add activity to the sidewalk, with varying amounts of cost and time required.

Project Designers | Masters of Community Planning

Jamie Kreindler
Jamie spent three years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Morocco. Her experiences working with communities abroad motivated her to study Community Planning at the University of Cincinnati. Currently, Jamie is working with a local affordable housing non-profit as their Community Specialist.

Xu Zhu [Alicia]
A motivated young professional with a unique multidisciplinary background in data analysis, urban design, and planning, Xu has been a student of community/urban planning for seven years. She has many interests in urban design, community planning, and transportation planning as her future career.